It's Been Awhile...


So I haven't updated this blog much since March...

A lot of things have changed over the last 3 months.

For example. The above photo is from Tekko 2018 in April, where I cosplayed as Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist.

I've also gotten new glasses, had my hair colored, and whatnot.

I guess what I'm saying here is that... I SUCK AT JOURNALING MY LIFE. lol :P

Which shouldn't surprise anyone? Definitely not me.

I haven't been up to a whole lot. Except for watching American Idol, having a fave win, (Go MADDIE POPPE!!) and the typical whole lotta nothing else. lol

Anyway. So is life.

I'm hoping to blog more this summer and to keep my official website active as well. We will see how long that lasts! :)

-Kelsey AKA TunefulPopPhoto


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